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Programs We Offer

Achieve your health and fitness goals through individually tailored expert guidance

Healthcare Services

Corporate Yoga & Meditation Sessions

Yoga for stressed out employees can help minimizing absenteeism, reduce burnout, build team spirit, increase motivation and enhance productivity.

Employee wellness and health can be improved by introducing Yoga and Nutrition awareness into their lives. This leads to a better outcome for both employees and employer.

The benefits are immense and with our meticulously designed program which includes not only  the practice of asana coupled with meditation and correct breathing, but also different styles practiced all over the world, which can provide them with tools to deal with stress not only at the workplace but also in their personal lives.

Different styles of Yoga & Meditations which are conducted are:

Chair Yoga

Therapy Yoga

Power Yoga

Hasya (Laughter) Yoga


Relaxation techniques

Awareness management

Suksham Vyayam

Workshops (1 & 2 days)

...to get healthy!

We provide workshops for anyone interested in being Healthy and want to learn Manage Stress, Health and Positivity!

It is especially aimed at people working in a high-pressure environment. However its techniques can benefit people from any level, background or industry.

Learn how to rebalance your body and mind through your breathing. It can be done discreetly at work, even in a open plan office.

Creative visualization and self-hypnosis help with quickly achieving a deeply relaxed state and help ‘retrain’ your mind to achieve great things.

Learn some very natural ways to deal with unnatural levels of stress, including:

Healing Breath reathing technique that makes it impossible to be unhappy
30-minute relaxation method that equals three hours’ sleep
Focus on what is working in your life – Walk your talk
Yoga for Health
Recommendations for Work/Life Balance
Consultations & Mediations
Executive Stress Consultations & Coaching
Training the Trainer: Stress Release Skills for HR & Occupational Health Staff.

Wellness Events

Dig deeper and learn

On site Consultation on Diet and Nutrition to create the right foundation to build a Saukhya Lifestyle.

  1. Stress Management Workshop
  2. Health For All (1 hour lecture series)
  3. Back pain & Lifestyle Management
  4. Total Mind Body –Rejuvenation (Food for Health, Yoga for Mind)