Pain management can be simple or complex, depending on the cause of the pain.
Holistic Health treatment by Dr. Raj Kulkarni, with Nutrition, Yoga therapy,..
In today’s fast paced life, where a women is multi tasking to take care of the family and career front,..
Starting your journey to parenthood can be exciting, but also challenging if..
Pre and Post Natal care (Garbha Sanskar) is a way of imbibing positive things..
Men’s health problems can range from chronic ailments like Diabetes, Heart disease..
Proper breathing has profound effects on our health. Over 70% of waste by-products..
Disorders that affect the digestive(gastrointestinal) system are called digestive disorders…
Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to improve cardiovascular status through Correct Nutrition,..
With a motto to ‘Cancel the Cancer’ Integrative Cancer Rehabilitation comprises of Holistic..
Rehabilitation is a programme of exercise and information sessions that help..